Monday, October 10, 2005

About the Movie

This is the "one sheet" that we mocked up for "The Dock Porter," a feature film my brother Scott and I are making on Mackinac Island. The guy standing in for the lead on the bike is my buddy BEN PARRILLO, a talented actor who does a ton of TV and commercials. You'd most recognize him as the guy who tackles the shopping cart in the Honda commercial a few years back, but also shows up in a Cold Case, 24, The Shield and a lot of other one-hour dramas. Ben and I made a short film together called "Jolly Good Fellow" on DV that was pretty dark and twisted. I will be posting that soon, btw.


He's also going to have some kind of role in the real film (unless of course he hits it really big in the next few months, then we can consider him for the lead). The reality of raising money and interest for features is that you often need a "name" actor to get the money. There are a few exceptions, but very few. Usually if you look down the roster of actors, producers or directors in a feature (over, say. 2 million) you will see someone who is recognized overseas as "bankable.". Talent only takes you so far and apparently it's not all the way to the bank. But Ben is on his way, there is no doubt about it, and he was cool enough to help us out on this project and lend us his mug for the poster. We have the script out to Jason (American Pie) Biggs and are awaiting his response.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Did this movie ever get made?